ACE Alternative Center for Education

The Alternative Center for Education is an alternative educational program offered by Florence County School District Three to assist students in academic and behavioral success.  Through various research based strategies as well as small student to teacher ratios and an intense focus on the four major subject areas (Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies), students are provided instructional opportunities that are geared towards their individual learning style and need.  Students are accepted to the ACE program either through an administration hearing or parent choice. Once students have completed a specific number of days at ACE and success in academics and behavior goals has been made, students have the option of returning to their home school.  Return to the home school is based on four factors: Attendance, Academic Achievement , Attitude, and Behavior. At the designated time, an exit conference with the ACE administrator, student, parent(s)/legal guardian, and a home school representative will be conducted to review the student's academic and behavior progress .  If at that time, the student and parent choose so, the student will return to the home school. 

ACE--The Place Where Students learn to be "College and/or Career Ready"

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